CoderGears launch the “Well-Developed Project” program for C/C++ open source projects.

After few years of the analysis of many open source projects developed with C/C++, we can confirm that many of them are well designed and implemented despite the fact that the open source contributors do not have resources like companies. Most of them work only at night or on holidays and they produce a very good code. But some other open source projects need some assistance to be improved which is the goal of the WDP program.

The Well Developped  Project Program (WDP)  aims to improve the quality implementation of the open source projects. The goal is to acheive a deep audit of these projects and send some recommendations to their contributors. The review will be done by some C++ experts from the open source community and by using some static analysis tools.

Each contributor team interested could apply for the review and each C++ expert interested to participate to this program could apply to join the WDP reviewers team.

The audit will be done using the following tools:

  • Cppcheck
  • Clang
  • C++ Modernizer
  • Visual Studio Analyzer
  • CppModernizer
  • CppDepend
  • Vera++

And of course other tools could be suggested.

A detailled report will be generated to send it to the project contributors. The well implemented C/C++ projects will have the label WDP.

Here are some advantages of participating to the program:

  • Your code will be reviewed by some C++ experts from the open source community.
  • Your code will be audited by many C/C++ static analysis tools.
  • We help you to create a custom report with your custom CQLinq rules.

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